Spring Skeet League


Spring Skeet League
March 22-May 3



Fee:  Club members and non-members $50.00

When:  Tuesday afternoons 5:00 PM until close. League starts March 22 and ends May 3 for 7 weeks of competition. It is encouraged that you shoot Tuesdays but not mandatory. You can shoot on any day that will fit your schedule. You can shoot two weeks ahead and up to 6 days behind.

Where:  Use any open skeet field.

Scoring:  All participants will shoot 50 targets weekly and be handicapped using an “added bird system” adopted from Winchesters Handicap System. With this system your handicap will be recalculated weekly. You cannot have a weekly handicap score greater than 49. The only way to get a 50 is to shoot a 50. You can shoot any gauge you like. Each participant will be scored in both handicap and scratch. Should you miss a week your score for that week will be your average (before handicap) minus two birds. See the last paragraph for the handicap scoring details.

Score sheet:  Please use the score sheets for skeet league that will be available in the round sheet box, Print your name, the date and the league week you are shooting on each sheet (league weeks are marked on the calendar by the round sheet box). The league manager will keep all score recorded and calculate the handicaps weekly.

How do I sign up: Be at the Poplar Bluff Gun Club on March 22, at 4:30 pm to sign up. If you cannot make the first date, but wish to be in the league, please contact Mike Galloway at 2atloweight@gmail.com for further details

E-mail:  Please furnish your email address. I will send you updated league standings weekly.

Added bird handicap system:

  1. 50 targets per week for 7 weeks.
  2. Week one the raw score is the average. Subsequent weeks a running average of the previous weeks.
  3. Your weekly handicap is 80% of the difference between your average and a perfect score. That percentage is then added to your raw score for that day to determine your score for that week.
  4. Your handicap score for the week cannot exceed 49. To get 50 you must shoot a 50.
  5. Fractions of percentages are used but no handicap score will be higher than 49.
  6. Your handicap score will be carried to two decimal places as it is possible the winner will be determined by hundredths of a target after 7 weeks.


  1. Example :


Bill shoots a 43 on the first week of league. His average is 43,

the difference between 43 and 50 is 7. Bill’s handicap is 7 x 80% = 5.6. Bill’s league score for that week would be (43+5.6) 48.6. Next week Bill shoots a 41, his average is now (43+41) 84 divided by 2 = 42. The difference between 42 and 50 is 8, 8 x 80% = 6.4. Bill’s league score for the second week would be 41 + 6.4 = 47.4. On the third week of league Bill shoots a 46. His average is now (43 + 41 + 46) 130 divided by 3 = 43.3. His handicap is (50 – 43.3) 6.7 x 80% = 5.36. Bill’s league score for week 3 would be 49 even though Bill’s raw score of 46 plus handicap of 5.36 would equal 51.36. Remember the only way to get a 50 is to shoot a 50.